Do You Make This Mistake?

This is another one to remember

Evans Okoro
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by IJ Portwine on Unsplash

Everyone gets their shot. But not everyone leverages it because they don’t understand the weight of what they’re doing.

These chances don’t come everyday. If you miss one, it might take another 6 months for another one to come by, so you can’t even relent.

And even when you use that opportunity, it doesn’t just end there. You have to prove yourself consistently. And this is what separates the people on top from the mediocre.

Every day is your challenge.

Some footballers had one amazing season and got signed to a big club. Then flopped in the big club, which ended them in a smaller club.

Or how we praise an athlete for his impressive form, and once it ends, he’s called all sorts of names.

We see this in different industries. It just confirms the narrative that you’re only as good as your last performance.

Consistency is not just about showing up every day. It’s about bringing that high quality every time it’s your turn.

This is the goal.

This is how you cement your place at the top.

