A Short Piece About Happiness

Are we deceived?

Evans Okoro
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


You can write millions of best sellers on happiness because all we want in life is wellness and a good time.

But where many people get it wrong is they mistake hedonism for happiness.

They travel to be happy. Eat excessively to be happy. Go clubbing to be happy. Have meaningless sex to be happy. Take drugs to be happy.

But thrills only last for seconds, and the unhappiness comes back. Making life a hamster wheel of a continuous search for happiness

We're unhappy today because we're materially rich but spiritually poor. The things that enrich us spiritually look like suffering and pain physically — and nobody likes pain.

I saw a tweet that the more you run away from pain, the weaker you become. It makes you wonder why the world has gone so soft and depressed.

It's why a man looks crazy when he gives half of his possession to charity but deep inside. It feels like a load has been taken off his chest. It's why a man can lock himself in a room for hours praying, and afterward, he comes out feeling as light as a bird.

This is peace.

It's all spiritual enrichment. And how do you do this?

  • Dedicating your days to things that benefit others (service)
  • Believing tomorrow holds better things for you (hope)
  • Showing those around you love (giving)

Peace is long-term.

Happiness, on the other hand, is only momentary. It never satisfies for long. It's like a high that wears off and puts you back to your usual unhappy state.

If you're not at peace, you'll still go back to your restless self when the happiness goes away.

You need alignment to find peace.

Your value system must be aligned with your actions. The reason why many people lack peace is that no one holds on to their values anymore.

They know that thing isn't right, but keep doing it. And they do it so much that they start to convince themselves (and others) that it's okay and scientifically backed.

These people take the most substance to try to numb that thing in them that reminds them of their values.

Stick to your values, and you'll be at peace. It's that simple.

